Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Good News about "T"

Well some of you may know that our oldest Tridon has been having a difficult time keeping up with the 2nd grade level, (with the other students). He has been struggling with reading, comprehension, and spelling, also with some math. So Glenn and I decided to have him tested for a learning disability, (Glenn and I both had trouble with school)! Well over the past 4-5 weeks the school has tested him in various things, and today we met with the school to see what the results were, and he did very well with most everything on a one to one basis, but he has a very hard time staying focused on things that happen in a big groups (the classroom) and on things that may not interest him, (which is pretty much anything that doesn't do with his D.S., art, sports, superhero's, t.v., friends & Family). So he doesn't have a learning disability that qualifies him for Special ED, (YIPPEE, YES, and Fantastic!!!), but now what right? Well they gave us and his teacher some idea's on how to help him stay focused and how to stay interested in his work. they did say that he is a very smart boy and he is learning, but he is just not staying focused long enough to keep up, (which puts him behind). They also said that because he has shown that he is progressing, and that he is a very competitive child, that holding him back would be a very bad idea, (what a relief, because I didn't feel right about that either). So right now, only time will tell if the idea's are working! They also think that these other idea's will work, so they don't think taking him to a doctor is the best either, (which again is also a big relief, because I am not big on meds, and I also have a very strong "prompting" that this is not what we need to do). If this doesn't work I think Glenn and I will have to pray about what to do next. So thanks for all the prayers and thoughts, and please feel free to continue to do so. I think that it has helped and it will continue to help him progress through the rest of school. Lots of Love- Camie

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