Sunday, May 31, 2009

Tridon's Birthday

Well our oldest just turned eight. OH MY GOODNESS!!! We had a really fun day, pancakes in the morning, The movie "Up" (which was really, really good), Bowling (2 games and Tridon won the last one), PARTTTYYYY!!!! Tridon requested a Hunter's Cake (so of course mommy gave it too him, and daddy helped with the landscaping of it), he got great gifts from wonderful friends and family (Thanks everyone). He had a all around fun day!!! Tridon has been such a wonderful blessing to our family and we love having him around. He reminds me so much of Glenn with his personality, but he has his mothers sensitive side! He has been a great help with his siblings, and loves to go to work with his dad! He tells us that he wants to be just like Glenn when he grows up, and that Glenn is his best friend. That really means a lot to Glenn and I both that he loves his daddy so much, but of course there are only things a mother can do. He has chosen to be baptized this coming Saturday, on the 6th of June. That really makes Glenn and I soooo proud and he is also super excited to start Scouts (I think daddy is just as excited). We hope you had a great day T-Rex and Happy Birthday!!! (There is a slide show of his party below) gift not pictured below from the Caldwells is a water fight ball and water baloons! Thanks for all the gifts everyone!!!

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