Thursday, March 19, 2009

How Our Family Is Doing!

Well it's been a very long and ruff week and a half for our family! We all have been sick, from Avery, Case, and I who barely had it to Glenn, Tridon, and Dallas who are still feeling the effects of it. It decided to rear it's ugly head on Saturday the 7th with me who just had a massive head ache and body chills for less then 24 hours. Avery got a fever and runny nose, (still going with the runny nose, but I think that has something to do with her teeth). Then in continued on to Tridon who was fine one hour and then the next he looked like he ran into a brick wall, with body chills, fever, and a cough that sounds like a horse has made a home in his chest, then Dallas decided to do the same, just not as bad! Case had similar things going on, but he never slowed down long enough for it to effect him like it did the other two. Then came Glenn, who said he has not felt this sick in a very long time. Glenn & Tridon I think got it the worst, they still have a really bad cough, but each day it's sounding better. I think out of all of us I lost the most sleep, and I was never as sick as the rest of them - between Glenn sweating and toss and turning all night and the worry of the kids fever's and coughs in the other room plus they couldn't sleep so I would get visitor's periodically in the night, I lost so much sleep! Maybe there is a reason for me not getting as sick as the rest of them, so I can be at least somewhat ok to take care of them. Well now that I think this is over, (all though people say the cough sticks around for at least 3 weeks, ugh!!!), we can get on with enjoying Spring Break, hopefully! We hope all is well and that you won't have to go through this ugly stuff! Love - US (the almost better Jordan's)

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